You can rest easy knowing you don’t need special permissions or extended coverage regardless of the project size or distribution. is a membership based website with professionally made After Effects templates, stock music, and more.Creating awesome videos is easy with Motion Array.Discover unlimited creative assets that will take your projects to the next level: As a paid member of Motion Array, all of the assets you use in projects are covered by our simple, full usage license forever. is a membership based website with professionally made After Effects templates, stock music, and more.Motion Array is a membership based website that's focused on delivering the highest quality, most user friendly stock media, at the most affordable prices. Download Motion Array Royalty-Free Stock Video Clips Royalty-free Stock Footage Clips, Motion Backgrounds, and After Effects Templates "motion array" ( 102 results found for motion array) Sort By Most Relevant Motion Array Neon Purple Energy Light Leak Vector Animation Background Loop HDNeon Purple Energy Motion Graphics Animation 00:06Motion Array is an all-in-one beginner and professional filmmakers marketplace with unlimited asset downloads and exclusive Premiere Pro plugins.