Choose kodil-1.3zip, and it will be added to the repository.

Select “Install from Zip file,” and then select “LazyKodi > Repositories > Androidaba > Repositories >.”.Return to the main screen and select “Add-ons,” and then “Add-on Installer.”.Hit “Ok” and name your repository “LazyKodi.”.Navigate to “Settings,” then “File Manager,” and finally “Add Source.”.Remember to use a VPN before attempting this. You should install the add-on, and you are ready to start streaming right away. If you use Kodi, there’s a little add-on called Plexus that allows you to use Acestream links. Run Soda Player and paste the link of the channel you want to watch.Copy and paste the player to your “Applications” folder.Paste the link of the channel you want to watch and select “Open.”Īcestream is not compatible with Mac devices, but you can still get it working through Soda Player.Select the menu icon in the top-right corner and choose “Enter Content ID.”.Select “Open Ace Stream Content ID” and copy a link of the channel you want to watch into the app.Uncheck the box if you want to skip this step. The next step allows you to test the software first.Here is how to install Acestream on your devices: Windows: One is your internet connection, and the other is the number of peers on that particular stream. It usually takes some time to load, and the loading speed depends on a few factors. If the stream doesn’t start immediately, don’t be alarmed.