I use it for getting all of my web services securely accessibly via the internet (such as this blog) that are all on various ports and addresses from my server. letsencrypt- Nginx webserver and reverse proxy with php support and a built-in letsencrypt client that automates free SSL server certificate generation and renewal processes.ELKStack - Entire Elasticsearch stack that I use with Nextcloud and this Ghost blog to offer advanced search functionality.The letsencrypt container actually contains this software as well but I don't want to give my webserver those sorts of permissions so I installed it separately. fail2ban - Secures server from invalid login attempts for various of my services by monitoring log files and banning bad actor's IP addresses.Ghost- The application that runs this very blog.This gives me a big enough window for the archive while also giving CrashPlan enough time to back it up. I have 9 cameras that I dedicated 100GB per camera from the array. What do I host from my home Unraid server? I was able to move all of my applications to docker containers which had tons of benefits in security and performance over my previous Ubuntu install. Once I finally did the switch to Unraid I was pleasantly surprised at how easy it was to setup and use. Before that I was using just a plain Ubuntu Server OS on the same machine.